Thursday, April 11, 2013

San Jose Mission at a Distance

I painted  this  landscape on site near Cotulla,  and later at the studio added the San Jose Mission from San Antonio. I wonder what the mission would have looked without streets and buildings that surround then in present day San Antonio TX.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Large Oak by Barn

I think many times I made the assertion specially as a younger person, that I would never paint bluebonnets. ...and here I am painting bluebonnets. I think in my college days we made fun of bluebonnet paintings. Well, at this point, I don't really care what my colleagues think. Now a days
 I find myself studying the elusive dusty color of the foliage in the oaks and admire all those painters that have been able to  capture it. I have been looking at the paintings of great Texas painter Porfirio Salinas